wah..thn ni dh 25 thn dh aku..ckup umur utk mematangkan diri ni..
nothing special today i guess..;)
pagi2 je dh bgn lmbt gi kje..tp nasib baik sempat..
n kt opis plak masuk2 bilik je ade pelestik atas meja..a gift (lilin lavender kaler purple..) from both my adiks kt opis ni..thanks ida + shikin for make my morning more bright...(senyum smpai ke tlinge..)..
different scene..kat aras 15 bilik Ketua Bahagian: aku masuk nk bg surat, then P.A (kak Zaini) bg aku kad..so sweet la dorg ni...million thanks to all...
once upon a time - a month before, mr.zaimi (mr.tunang saye- currently) dh belikan hadiah..a watch which price Rm797(riak la plak mention harge kan)..tp ktorg dpt beli dgn hrge tersangat murah....(tokei kedai tu mmg best!)...so jam tu dh disimpan dlm kotak sbb nk simpan utk hantaran nnt.. ;D
so today, my family sume pergi bercuti..plan bln lps n tmptnye dkt je..kt PD..Ilham resort..lame dh xpi.. so hope sumenye akan berjalan dgn lancar percutian nih..(skemanye ayat...)
happy belated birthday to u ;-)
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